If I don’t masturbate, how can I know if I can ejaculate or not?

Last updated on August 23, 2020


If I don’t masturbate, how can I know if I can ejaculate or not?


When a boy is old enough to produce semen, and his body produces too much to hold, he will have a wet dream to get rid of the excess. In essence, you will masturbate in your sleep and you will find the result in your pajamas and on your bedsheets. How often this will happen varies greatly from boy to boy. It can happen every few nights, to once a month, or even once every few months. For a few boys, they might not have an ejaculation until their first time having sex with their wife, but this is extremely unusual. Generally, if you have erections and are past your growth spurt, you are very likely to be able to ejaculations.