When does looking at someone cross the line?

Last updated on March 10, 2022


I have a question about when looking at someone crosses the line. A while back, I was astray from religion and I think I may have wired myself to look at certain areas without trying to. I’ve been able to make myself always look at people’s faces because that helps me fight the temptation. So, when I look at a girl and see certain areas out of the corner of my eye, does that cross a certain line? If I look back to the person’s face a couple of times, does that also cross a line? 

Thank you for your help.


But I say to you that everyone who looks at a woman with lust for her has already committed adultery with her in his heart” (Matthew 5:28).

A problem arises when you look at a person and start desiring to commit a sin with that person. It doesn’t matter which area of the body is being looked at. If you are looking at a woman and wondering how you can convince her to make out with you, then you have crossed into lust (a strong desire to justify sinning). If you see a woman and think, “She’s attractive,” there is no sin taking place.

You should also keep in mind that other people can easily guess what you are focusing on by watching your eyes. Most people don’t like being stared at. We enjoy being noticed, but stares make people nervous.


Thank you for your response. If there are no thoughts like you mentioned about making out with her or anything like that then has sin been committed?


You didn’t do anything wrong. You didn’t justify wrongdoing in your mind. Therefore, no sin occurred.