How long will my growth spurt last?

Last updated on September 7, 2024


I got a Tanner Stage 3.8 on the test, and I’ve grown 2 inches in the past two months. I would like to know how long this inch-a-month rate will last and how many more inches I can expect to grow.

I also would like to know how much penis growth I can expect. Before my current growth spurt, my penis grew to 6.4×5 inches, will I see any more growth or is it over?



Assuming the calculator’s answer was accurate, you can expect to be in stage 3 for another six months or so. Stage 3 is when rapid growth occurs, though it doesn’t happen the entire time you are in stage 3. Once you reach stage 4, your growth rate will slow to 2 inches or less per year. It continues to slow down until it stops when you reach stage 5. Most boys grow an additional 1 to 3 inches during the two years they are in stage 4.

How much you will grow depends on your genetics; I have no way to evaluate that.

Like your growth in height, your penis lengthens the most during stage 3 and mostly widens during stage 4. So you are likely to see just a bit more growth in length and some growth in girth in stage 4.