Question: Good afternoon, My son is 13 and a half years old. He is 158 cm tall, his mother is 167 cm, and his father is 177 cm). This last…
Tag: <span>bone age</span>
Question: Hello, I’ve recently had a bone age test and it turned out that I am delayed by 3 years. My bone age is 13 years and 8 months while…
Question: I am 16 years old. I grew 1 inch only from age 15-16. My sideburns are getting darker. My armpit hair has a few long hairs. I had my…
Question: You said sometimes you can ejaculate in stage 3 a while back during one of the “pauses”. What do you mean by pauses? Do you mean pauses in growing…
Question: Hello, I have a few questions to ask: Can bone age be younger than the chronological age, and if so what happens then? Do teenagers gain weight before a growth spurt?…
Question: I’m in Tanner stage 3.9 or 4.0, I’m 18 years old and I have a 16 bone age. I’m 5 feet 9 inches. Can I reach 5 feet 10…
Question: I haven’t grown in a year. I exercise regularly, eat a proper diet and I have just turned 17. I just want to grow 2 inches taller. I am…
Question: I recently got a bone age scan and it says the growth plates in my wrist are still seen but fusion is advanced. How much height could I gain…
Question: Hello, I just had a question I was hoping you could answer. I’m 15 and got a score of 3.7 on the Tanner calculator. I recently got a bone age…
Question: Hi. A year ago, I got a wrist x-ray from my orthodontist, and he told me that I had 3 to 6 inches of growth left. He showed me…