Last updated on August 24, 2020
Hi and good day,

I would like to ask about my genitals. There are small bumps growing with white hair at the top. Are these Fordyce spots or not?
Thank you.
While you can see your oil glands (Fordyce spots), the raised bumps where there are fine hairs are just new hairs growing. As they grow, they push the surrounding skin up a bit. As the hole for the hair follicle enlarges, the skin will flatten.
Thank you, sir, for the reply. What are Fordyce spots? Are they normal?
Thank you.

Fordyce spots are white spots that you can see through the skin on the penis. They can be slightly raised. Fordyce spots and having new hairs poking up through your skin are both perfectly normal.
Thank you, Jeffrey, for the response. It eases my mind. It does not itch or cause pain so I think it’s normal.
I hope it will be gone soon. It really makes me exhausted these past few months. I’m afraid I might have infected my last partner. I’m so devastated. I hope this is not an STD.
Thank you for giving me light and hope. I know God will be with me and He has a good plan for my life. I’m ready to accept Him as my Lord and Savior.
You’ve raised a new topic that we need to talk about. You have been committing fornication and, at the same time, are talking about following Christ. The two are not compatible. You cannot be involved in sin and claim to be following God who teaches that sin is wrong. “Do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived. Neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor homosexuals, nor sodomites, nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners will inherit the kingdom of God” (I Corinthians 6:9-10). This does not mean you can’t become a follower of Christ, but you will first have to give up sins like fornication. This is what the Bible refers to as “repentance,” which is a changing of direction in your life. It doesn’t mean you have to be perfect, but you do have to battle sin and strive to improve yourself. See How to Become a Christian.
Since you have been having sex you need to have yourself checked out by a doctor for STDs. Many sexually transmitted disease either have no symptoms or do not display obvious symptoms for a long time. This is why they are spread so readily. People have no idea they have a disease and then have sex with multiple people. To be safe, I want you to get checked by a doctor.
Thank you for reminding me and teaching me the right way. Yeah I committed fornication because of temptation. I really regret about what I did. I really regret it now, and I want to repent and ask forgiveness from our Lord Jesus Christ deep in my heart. I ask God’s forgiveness for my life. I’m really sorry. I will never do it again. I want to follow Him and I want to change my life right now.
Please pray for me that I will be forgiven by God.
I have already been checked by a doctor. He said it’s not warts or herpes. He said it’s sebaceous glands. But I want to have a biopsy taken. I want to know what it really is.
My last relationship was two months ago. Now, I am single and I don’t want to to back to my past mistakes. I repent of all my sins.
You don’t need a biopsy. Your doctor identified it as sebaceous glands (Fordyce spots). I also said it was Fordyce spots and new hair growth. Accept it as normal. I assume the doctor also did the standard STD tests. If those come back clean, then you have nothing to be worried about, other than staying out of sin.