Question: Hi, I am wondering if you can please help me with a situation where I have this interest in a young Christian woman. Lately, my feelings have escalated for…
Year: <span>2009</span>
Question: How can I get rid of filthy thoughts? I am always encountering sexual thoughts when I am praying or trying to study. I have not masturbated in a month…
Question: Hi, I was wondering if I could get your advice or opinion. I’m 20 years old. A few years back, I was hit hard in the testicles, and it…
Question: Can you estimate how tall I’ll be? I can’t really tell which option to choose in the Tanner Stage calculator, and it estimated me to be about 4.8 which I…
Question: I had kind of a weird question about ejaculation. I guess I thought if you never touch yourself or have sex, you won’t ejaculate. I never have, even though…
Question: I am 14 years old, at the end of stage 4 puberty or entering stage 5. My mom is 5’5 and my dad is 5’7. When I was nearly…
Question: I’ve been thinking a lot of about being tempted by seeing things and whether that’s a sin. Everybody else changes their clothes and takes showers with other guys and…
Question: I get erections all the time. It’s gotten so bad in the morning sometimes I can’t even use the toilet. If I’m concentrating on something else it doesn’t happen,…
Question: Is it sinful to have a thing for a specific kind of girl? Like if you only go for a girl who has facial characteristics that you look for.…