Last updated on September 20, 2020
Hello there.
I am really concerned about my height. I am currently 15 years old and 170cm (5’7″). My dad is 175cm (5’9″) and my mom 163cm (5’4″). I wanted to know if I will gain more height in the next few years.
Also, I am going to the gym and I do some exercises that I lift around 30-35 kg and I think that this might have stunted my height. My doctor said not to lift weights now but I did not listen to him. Also, I did Tae Kwon Do at 10 years old. I do not think that this damaged my growing plates.
Also, every night when I lie down on my bed I feel a bit pain above and under my knee (both legs). Is this a sign that my height is growing?
I weight around 60-63 kg and this is steady. Sometimes I weight 57kg and after some days back to normal. I do not know why this happens.
Also when I think that I will not grow taller I am going crazy. I have so much anger that I want to punch the wall.
Anyway, can you answer this questions please? I would appreciate it. Thank you for your time!
Whether you will gain more height is a factor in what stage of development you’re in, not your age or what height you have already obtained. See the Tanner Stage Calculator for Boys.
The exercise you are doing would not have damaged your growth plates. If had done damage, you would have been in quite a bit of pain. It is possible to overdo weightlifting or to lift incorrectly and damage joints or muscles. At one time it as suggested that weight lifting not be done by teenagers, but that has since been deemed as over-cautious. There is no evidence that proper weight training harms growth. Still, caution and being a teenager doesn’t always go hand-in-hand.
“Don’t confuse strength training with weightlifting, bodybuilding or powerlifting. These activities are largely driven by competition, with participants vying to lift heavier weights or build bigger muscles than those of other athletes. This can put too much strain on young muscles, tendons and areas of cartilage that haven’t yet turned to bone (growth plates) — especially when proper technique is sacrificed in favor of lifting larger amounts of weight” [“Strength training: OK for kids?” Mayo Clinic].

The pain by your knee is likely due to Osgood-Schlatter disease. It isn’t really a disease. It is a repetitive injury that comes because your quadriceps come over your knee cap and are connected to your shin just below the knee cap. When you are growing rapidly, this connection weakens and is prone to strain injuries especially in someone who is athletic.

A severe case will show up as a bump at the top of the shin bone.
The treatment is to let it rest and avoid doing things that make it hurt. It heals up in time. So, yes, it indicates you are growing, but it also means you are overdoing it.
Your weight normally varies, even during the day, so I would not get overly concerned about it. The amount of food you eat, the amount of salt you take in, how much you drink, and how much you sweat will all affect your weight.
The anger is an overreaction to your mood due to your fluctuating hormones. It is something all teenage males need to be aware of and not let get out of control. Punching a wall will do you no good and might damage the wall or injure your hand. If you feel a lot of rage, go and exercise until you are exhausted. That is a productive use of your pent up energy and it gives a good outlet for your mood.