What will my adult height be?

Last updated on July 26, 2024



I would like to know what my adult height would be.

I just turned 16, and I’m 6’2. I have no facial hair yet and no hair that goes up to my navel. When I took the Tanner stage test, my most consistent answers were 3.3-3.4. I’m very disproportionate. My legs are way too long for my body size, and I have to wear 35-38 inseam pants, while my torso is barely big enough to wear a medium-size shirt. My doctors were surprised I grew because they thought I’d be done growing by 15 due to my father being a lot shorter than me (70 inches) and my mom being shorter as well (64 inches). Recently, I had to go from size 12.5 shoes to size 14 really fast. I am kept up at night due to pains in my legs. My mom does have a really tall father (78 inches), and I look exactly like him but just like a boy.


You can use the Predicting Your Adult Height calculators to get some estimates for your final adult height. I don’t have enough information from you to do the calculations. All I can tell you is that you are likely to reach between 6’4 and 6’6.


I grew normally until I was around 15 and exploded from 5’10 to 6’2. I had been relatively tall all my life, but I never had a growth spurt until now. If you want a chart of my height throughout the ages, I can give a rough estimate

10- 5’0.5
My dad also told me he had a growth spurt like that around my age, but he slowed down around 18, and he could only start building muscle around 19-20.


You were in stage 3 during age 15. Stages last about two years, so you should continue to grow quickly, though perhaps not as much during age 16. Then you will hit stage 4 and your growth will slow down. Most guys grow 1 to 3 inches during stage 4. Since you are growing fast, I would expect you to be toward the high end of that range.


Alright, thank you. I was really concerned because I was one of the shortest kids in my class in freshmen year since everyone was 5’11 with mustaches. Now, I’m way taller than all of them, but I still have a massive baby face. I look really gangly because my arms and legs are too long with a wingspan of 6’10, but now that I know I can still get taller, I’ll try to get on my school basketball team.

Thank you so much and God bless.