Am I going to be taller than everyone else in my family?

Last updated on December 16, 2024


I am currently 5’8″ (173-174 cm); I was around 5’3″ (158-162 cm) at 11.5 years old and 5’6″ (166-168 cm) at 12.5 years old. I am 14.5 years, and the adult prediction with 95% accuracy (up to 2 inches) said I will be 6’3″ (187 cm), but my parents are 5’10” and 5’3″, my sister is 5’6″. My sitting height is around 32 inches. I have been growing rapidly for the past 2-3 months. Before that, my growth rate was quite slow. What will be my adult height?

The Tanner stage calculator said I’m at 3.5 or 4.1. Here are some signs I noticed:

  • Increase appetite in the past 3-3.5 weeks
  • Some hair on my philtrum (upper lip) grew over the past week
  • There is vellus hair near my navel

I don’t have any tall family members except my maternal great-grandfather, my paternal grandfather’s sister, and my cousin, who is 5’10”. Except for them, there are no relatives who I know are tall.


I ran the various adult height predictions and came up with numbers from 6’0 to 6’2. Since I didn’t know your current weight, I just put in a reasonable estimate. All the signs you mentioned are consistent with being in late stage 3.

