Question: I just turned 14 last month, but my body height is not growing. What should I do and when will my body height grow? Answer: Each person is unique…
Category: <span>Answer</span>
Question: I would like to move on in life and not worry about my hypospadias anymore. Do I share it with a friend or talk to a girlfriend about it?…
Question: Hello. I’m a 19 year old male that was just wondering if you could answer a question I have. Well, I’ve been having comfort issues lately. To put it…
Question: Is talking dirty a sin? Let’s say you are just messing around with someone, but you are not doing it for sexual arousal. You’re just for goofing around. Answer…
Question: I am young and need to learn. I am wondering about things in life, what girls look like, how to talk to them, you know all the boys’ stuff.…
Question My private part (penis) is getting smaller day in and day out. I’m getting scared seeing that people in my age range are not like this. (I mean their…
Question Hi. I asked about masturbation a long time ago and you told me that the Bible neither really condemns it or condones it. You also told me that I…
Question: I really need help! I am a 15-year-old boy in stage 3.5 of puberty. Everyone tells me that I sound really nervous whenever I am talking to them. I…
Question: Good day. What an excellent web site. It is very good. Wish I had had it when I was younger. My life would have been way easier. Dad told…
Question: Besides anal sex, are there any other sinful sexual acts in a marriage? If so, what are they? Answer: The Bible uses or refers to numerous sexual acts. Any sexual…