How do I estimate my adult height when I am a late bloomer?


Hi sir,

I am nearly 16 and currently am 5’6 (198 lb or 90 kg). I have grown about 3/4 of an inch in the last month. My Tanner scale is 3.3. My dad is 6’3, and my mum is 5’1.

I am writing to find out what my height should be when I reach adulthood because most calculators I encounter base it on age. I also believe my Tanner scale is incorrect.

Thank you so much, and God bless.


Since I can’t see you, I have nothing to use to determine if the Tanner Stage Calculator is off or not. If you are a late bloomer, the age causes a skewing of the results, and you can’t rely on your Tanner Stage, that leaves only half-height based on your childhood height, which isn’t very accurate.

Assuming you are at Tanner Stage 3.3, you can use the KGH method and select the option to base the result on your Tanner Stage. Using the information you gave me, I got an estimate of 6’0 for you, with a range between 5’10 and 6’2.