Is it possible to predict my adult size?


Hi sir,

I am 15 years old, and according to your calculator, I am around stage 3.3-3.5, but I didn’t know the answer to quite a few of the questions. I have one hair growing on both armpits (yes, just one, lol) and some very fine facial on my upper lip; however, I have quite thick, curly black hair around my genitals. I am currently around 5″9 with sneakers on, and I have grown in height quite a bit in the past year, I surpassed my mum in height now. My penis is around 4 inches when hard and approximately 4 inches in girth, and approximately 2 inches when soft. Would it be possible to predict my size when I have finished growing?

Thanks so much!


If you are interested in your final height as an adult, there are numerous tools to estimate your final height. See Predicting Your Adult Height. However, if you are asking what your penis size will be as an adult, that isn’t predictable. Penis sizes vary between individuals as much as shoe sizes vary. People have been looking for a correlation between something and the size of a male’s penis, and nothing has been found.


Will my penis continue to grow? I think I’m in stage 3.5, but I could be wrong.


A normal adult penis ranges from 3 to 8 inches in length when erect. Therefore, you already have a normal adult-sized penis, and you haven’t finished growing yet. Assuming your estimate is accurate, and nothing you mentioned causes me to doubt your estimate, you are in the middle of the rapid growth phase. You have another year before your growth starts slowing down in Stage 4. It is during Stage 3 that the penis gains length. You’ve already gained a good bit of length, and you’ll gain some more in the next year. In Stage 4, your penis will widen.

You don’t have anything to worry about.