Is it sinful to consider beauty a requirement in a marriage partner?


Good day Brother,

As a young Christian brother planning to get married, is it wrong or sinful to make beauty one of the requirements for a marriage partner?


Not sinful but definitely foolish. “Charm is deceitful and beauty is vain, but a woman who fears the LORD, she shall be praised” (Proverbs 31:30). Beauty doesn’t last, but marriage is a commitment for the rest of your life. Why make a priority on something that won’t last the length of your marriage? However, a person’s character can grow and strengthen. As a Christian, I assume you wish to reach heaven and to have your wife with you. Faithfulness to God and strength of character are far more important and don’t depend on a woman’s looks. Therefore, consider beauty a bonus and not a requirement. Besides, I’ve observed that when a woman knows her husband loves her and admires her, she tends to grow lovelier.