Should I be concerned that I don’t have facial hair or a happy trail yet?


Hey Jeff!

It’s me again. I was the one who was 6’2 “at 16. Summer just ended, and I grew again. I’m 6’3.5” now, and still no signs of facial hair and no happy trail. My torso hasn’t gotten bigger, either. Should I be concerned?


I don’t keep records of the emails I receive, and I’m unsure if I can match your reference to one of the answers I posted on the site. Remember that I can’t see you. I only know the information you give me. Thus, I can’t point out anything that you haven’t noticed or draw conclusions based on what you haven’t told me.

I gather that you are in late stage 3. You should be seeing a faint hint of a mustache. The happy trail, more extensive facial hair, and the torso’s elongation occur in Stage 4. The lack of these means you haven’t reached stage 4 yet.