Question: What part of stage 3 does moodiness come? Answer: Moodiness comes as a reaction to the changing levels of hormones in your body. Some people are very sensitive to…
Tag: <span>hormones</span>
Question: I’m 15, turning 16 within a few months. I hit puberty around late 13 – early 14. Lately, I’ve been thinking about girls a ton. Like an absolute ton,…
Question: Hello Minister, I am a 16-year-old male who is at stage 3.7, according to your calculator. I am quite late to puberty, having only noticed terminal pubic hair last…
Question: Hello sir, I am writing to you because I have been very moody lately. I’m wondering when my hormones will settle down. I checked the stages description and it…
Question: Hey man, I hope you doing well. I want to know if my muscles will grow further and whether my testosterone will increase after this. I’m in Tanner Stage…
Question: Hello, I would like to ask you another question. It’s been a while since I last wrote you and I must say that you helped me with the issue…
Question: Hello, I’m sixteen years old but I look fourteen for some reason. I heard that mood swings come in puberty a lot and I think I have been experiencing them lately.…
Question: Hello, I have a few questions to ask: Can bone age be younger than the chronological age, and if so what happens then? Do teenagers gain weight before a growth spurt?…
Question: Is there any hormone blood test that I can do to find out how developed my body is? Answer: There have been studies that have successfully mapped hormone levels…
Question: Is it normal for a 14-year-old male, who started puberty at 12, to have adult levels of testosterone? My results were about 784.63 ng/DL, which I thought were quite…