Why do I look younger than my classmates?

Last updated on September 7, 2024



I’m going to be 16 soon. I’m currently the youngest junior at my school, and I always have been younger than all of my classmates since I started school. On top of that, my face looks younger than not only people in my grade level, but it does compare to literally everyone else in my school. But I’m also taller than all of my classmates and more muscular than most of them, and I also have a deeper voice than most of the other guys.

What is going on?


That would depend on what you have decided determines the apparent age of your face. Are you judging by the width of your chin, the smoothness of your skin, or some other criteria? The problem is that the judgment of age is subjective, and so different people see different things. I can’t see you or your classmates, so I don’t know what you are seeing or not seeing.

Oddly, while you may prefer to look older now, you will prefer to look younger when you are older.



What I meant specifically are my proportions and lack of facial hair or definition compared to my peers. People generally say I look like I’m like 12.


Facial hair starts in stage 3 with a faint mustache. During stage 4, you will develop chin hair and sideburns. In late stage 4 and into stage 5, the rest of your facial hair will fill in. Give yourself time.