Question: I’m in stage 3.5. So why is this hormonal fluctuation happening? Answer: Hormones are chemical messengers in the body. They are used throughout your body to regulate its various…
Year: <span>2025</span>
Question: Hi sir, Is there any way you can tell me what is happening with my brain? This has been happening for two weeks. I can’t concentrate even though I…
Question: Hello sir, I have recently gained weight rapidly over two months, a total of 8 kg, while still playing basketball. I did have a huge appetite, but I feel…
Question: Minister, Do you know how I should deal with my extreme hunger? I just ate dinner that was 1,200 calories and still feel very hungry after. Answer: First, eat…
Question: Minister, I have a growth pattern where every time I have a birthday, I am at the average height for my age. Months later, I always grow 2 inches…
Question: Hello Minister, I’m 17 years old. I am wondering when my whole beard will grow. I already see some hair on my chin, more hair on my mustache, and…
Question: I decided to bet five dollars a few months ago, thinking I wished I could win. The problem is that out of nowhere, I got thoughts like “Sell your…
Question: Hello, I believe in Jesus, but I like guys, and I want to have sex with guys. I know it’s not right. God condemns it severely, but I can’t…
Question: Regarding the article, “I’m still confused about masturbation. Is it right or wrong? My question is when would it not be lust, that is, how frequent it would be…
Question: Does one strand of hair on my chin mean I’ll have a noticeable goatee in 6 months to a year? And does this mean I entered stage 4? Answer:…