When does the bulk of growth occur in stage 3?


Hi Sir,

When does the bulk of the growth occur in stage 3? Is it at the beginning, or does it take time near the middle part of stage 3? In other words, does the bulk of the growth occur in the first year of stage 3 or the second year? I think it was the second year I got my bulk, even though the first year of growth was just slightly less [within a centimeter].

Also, is it normal to have hair on the upper lip, a little on the chin, and a little on the sides of the face by the latter part of stage 3 itself? But they are vellus hair, though, and neither long nor curled.

Does the feet grow even in stages 3 and 4, albeit slower, or does it stop by stage 3 itself?


While it tends to be in the middle of stage 3, it can start early or late for different individuals. Thus, it is just stated that it happens during stage 3.

During stage 3, hair develops on the upper lip. It starts out as vellus hairs, but it will eventually change over to terminal hairs. You’ll just have to be patient. The same is true for chin hair and sideburn hair.

The feet do grow in stages 3 and 4, but not a great amount.