Question: I’m 17, and I woke up today and went to the bathroom, when I looked down I noticed something was weird on my scrotum, so I looked at my…
Category: <span>Answer</span>
Question Should I buy some cream for the pimples in my arms? I have told my family doctor about it. but he doesn’t really want to give me a prescription.…
Question When I was about 13, I had a testicular torsion of my left testicle. Luckily, the doctor operated in time and fixed it. He also did something to help…
Question: I am a 26-year-old man who is uncircumcised. I have a red tear, scratch, or what looks like the skin is raw (red). It hurts when I push my…
Question: I have red blotches on my penis and small spots near “the string,” which I tore a couple of years ago. What do you think it could be? Answer:…
Question: Please answer this quickly. I am in a teenage boy crisis center. Hi, I am a 13.5 years-old teenage boy. Three or four weeks ago I got my first…
Question: I am 15 years old and about a year ago I noticed small yellowish bumps on the shaft of my penis. I have since discovered what these were, but…
Question: Hi! My penis has had a strong smell coming from it. I take showers daily and I clean my penis, but the smell returns after a few hours. What’s wrong with me? Answer:…
Question: I am fourteen years old and uncircumcised. A while back I had a bit of a tear between my penis and where the foreskin meets it. There is one…