Did I sin this morning?

Last updated on April 25, 2021



I would first like to say I really find your website very helpful. I would like to ask a question that I am uncomfortable asking.

This morning I was lying in bed and I got an erection. I couldn’t make it go away so I continued lying there. I also would like to note that I have absolutely no issue with pornography, but I continue to take heed lest I fall. It had been 28 days since I had ejaculated last and this morning while I was laying there I did ejaculate as well without lustful thoughts or any form of pornography. I admit that I don’t think that I committed any sin but I would like to address it with someone.


What you describe is the way you should be dealing with the semen that builds up in your body. You didn’t get involved in any sinful behavior, such as looking at pornography, and you did not indulge in lustful thoughts. Your body simply got to the point that it was unable to hold any more semen. The result was that you were heavily aroused, as demonstrated by the erection that would not go away. You went ahead and masturbated which then gave your body the relief that it needed and your arousal went away. This is all normal.

Men will ejaculate anywhere from once a day to once a month and it is considered normal. The average for a young adult male is twice a week. Therefore, though you are on the long end of the normal range, you are still in the normal range.

Just because something feels good, it doesn’t mean it is necessarily sinful. Eating a nice meal when you are really hungry feels good. Ejaculating when you are really full also feels good. Neither are wrong by itself. What can become a danger is when we chase after the pleasure. I like the feeling of eating, so I keep eating even when I don’t need to eat and I commit the sin of gluttony. I like the feeling of ejaculating, so I purposely stir up my sexual desires with lust so I can ejaculate more often. Satan can use our desires against to tempt us to sin in order to gain the feelings of pleasure. It is not the pleasure itself that is necessarily wrong but the doing of sin to gain the pleasurable feelings.


I agree with your response but there is another thing I’m uncertain about. I’m going to go into more detail about the incident this morning. Like I said I had an erection that wouldn’t go away so I continued to lay there and did not touch myself at all. I simply just ejaculated naturally because of my semen build up. But afterwards once I have released my semen I feel like I need to again the next night, I know this must be Satan tempting me because I just got rid of my semen. Is Satan tempting me to ejaculate again when I don’t need it. Like I mentioned before I don’t use porn or lustful thoughts, I get an erection and my body ejaculates by itself.


What you had is referred to as a spontaneous ejaculation. These can happen when someone waits so long to ejaculate that the body runs out of room to store semen and will randomly ejaculate to get rid of the excess. Very few men are able to wait that long. Almost all men give in long before that point.

Each time you ejaculate, you don’t release all the semen you have stored up. Most men store up enough semen for about three ejaculations when they are full. Because you waited so long before you got relief, your body wants to get rid of as much semen as it can to allow the seminal vesicles to return a relaxed, empty state. Thus, the urge to ejaculate again is high even though you just ejaculated.

Therefore, this is not Satan tempting you but simply a matter of the way your body is designed to operate. Now, Satan is likely to use this desire to ejaculate against you to tempt you to use lust, but if you resist the temptation and allow yourself to ejaculate without lust, you will be fine.


Thank you for the feedback. I always felt weak to fall in and ejaculate without my hands or porn or lustful thoughts, but in reality, I’m pretty strong to be able to do this. So as long as I don’t use porn or lustful thoughts, I’m okay to release my semen?


Yes. Just wait until the urge is strong because it will happen more easily. But there is no reason to call it a sin when God never labeled it as such. What you are showing is a stronger than average will-power, which is not a bad thing.


Thank you for the help.

I do not want to sin because I respect God and I also know the price paid for sin which is death. I just always feel guilty to ejaculate because of the pleasure. I appreciate your input and I agree that you can’t call something a sin when God doesn’t say so. I also don’t think you can call something not a sin when God hasn’t said so either. It’s tricky because as Christians we can’t add or take away. So I’m just checking with someone who is older in the faith to help with this difficult topic.


I appreciate that you are researching the topic. I would like you to read through Is masturbation considered a sin? There are links to additional answers that deal with the pertinent passages in detail.