I looked at porn involving teens. What do I do now?

Last updated on May 18, 2024


I was about 12 when I was actively trying to search for adults doing shameful acts to children. I was not able to find anything. I only found things that featured news reports and watched those instead.

When I was around 15, I looked up teen porn. But I only saw actors. However, I may have seen actual teens, and I don’t know. I wouldn’t say I liked it though. I also came across this video that featured a girl who seemed rather young. Someone mentioned that people sometimes use girls who are around 14. I didn’t think that the girl in the video was 14. She did seem young, however. I don’t know how young she was. I was 16 when I came across the video.

I also stopped looking up porn when I was around 17 years old. I asked God to forgive me for what I had done. What I did was wrong. I feel pretty terrible for what I did. I don’t know what I came across. I know that I have changed and want to live my life for God now. But what do you think I should do?

I am worried because I don’t know what that means for me. I didn’t know watching teens was illegal. I had never heard of anything like that. I’m 19 now. When I was young, I did not want to see children, just people my age. I didn’t realize how wrong I was. What needs to happen?


The reason pornography involving children (including teens) is wrong is that:

  • It creates a lust for fornication (I Thessalonians 4:3-5).
  • It makes statutory rape look acceptable. Statutory rape is when an adult has sex with a minor. The law declares that a minor is not mature enough to make a responsible decision concerning sex.
  • It encourages the exploitation of minors. Sadly, some people prey on children, and this sort of porn encourages it (Matthew 18:6).

What you have to do is put your past behind you and continue living for God. I would like for you to see if you have done all that God requires of you to become a Christian by reading How to Become a Christian. If you haven’t done what God requires, then it is past time to get busy and do it. If you truly became a Christian, then see What Forgiveness Means.

There is nothing more required of you. Most countries have laws against self-incrimination and those laws follow biblical principles.


Yes! I know that I truly follow the Lord now. I have no desire to be drawn by such sins. I have a hard time moving forward, but I know I am forgiven. Thank you so much for your information. I pray that I will move on. I strive for the Lord! I never want to go back.


Good! See also Are You Unforgivable?


Ok, thank you! I will!

I do have another problem, though. I understand that I can leave the past behind, but what about the consequences of my actions? I am so afraid. Wouldn’t that mean … ? What should I do?


Consequences involve things set in motion by your sin that you can’t stop. Some consequences are like a stone that rolls down the mountain. You can’t stop it, but it also doesn’t significantly impact the world. Other consequences are also like a stone rolling down a mountain, but it triggers an avalanche. In either case, you can’t stop the consequences that might occur, but you can deal with them if they do occur.

I can’t predict what might result from your sin or whether you will even notice anything. But rather than focusing on things you can’t control, I want you to focus on what you can control: yourself. Leave your sin behind in the past and focus on becoming a solid servant of Christ.


Wow! Thank you so much. I think I am starting to understand more now. Please, I need a lot of prayer! Thank you so much for your help!