Question Mr. Hamilton, I appreciate everything that you have written and explained on your website concerning masturbation, ejaculation, wet dreams, and homosexuality. I grew up in a very conservative home…
Tag: <span>about this site</span>
Question: I just wanted to say thank you, and I appreciate the website you put explaining puberty. It has helped me during this stage of my life when I don’t…
Question: Thanks so much for this write up. I am greatly blessed by it. I had been greatly depressed and scared every time I found semen my underwear due to a…
Question Greetings Mr. Jeff, I really want to thank you for allowing God to use you in helping the youths through your platform. I find it really helpful. Your reply…
Question Thank you for such beautiful work. I wish I had help like this as I was growing up. I want to be able to help my sons, but it…
Question Hi, I would just like to say how beneficial your website has been to myself, helping me understand exactly what I needed to know about puberty. I discovered your…
Question Hi, I would just like to say how beneficial your website has been to myself, helping me understand exactly what I needed to know about puberty. I discovered your…
Question I just wanted to say thank you very much for all the advice on your Boys Growing Up site as I think it is very useful and true, so…
Question I want to thank the creator of this resource for helping me to wake up in Christ. I’m very grateful. God bless you. Answer You’re welcome.
Question Hey, Thanks for taking the time and emailing me. Sorry about annoying you because the question I asked was one that many men, especially Christian men, ask you over…