Question I want to take a second to thank God for you and thank you for the wonderful web site about boys growing up. I just want you to know…
Tag: <span>about this site</span>
Question Awesome job! I am a doctor, and I was preparing for an exam and came across this site as I was checking about Tanner staging. I think you are…
Question: I’m 20 years old. I really like this web site. I found a lot of useful information! For a long time, I thought masturbation was wrong, and I felt guilty because…
Question: Good day. What an excellent web site. It is very good. Wish I had had it when I was younger. My life would have been way easier. Dad told…
Question: Is it OK when sex feels naughty? I mean even if you are married, is it OK to fantasize about your wife and have strong desires for each other?…
Question: Thank you so much for having that questions page. I was afraid that having wet dreams was a sin, and I was afraid that God was mad at me. But…