Question: Hi, I have a question related to nutrition and height growth. I am a 20-year-old male, and according to the calculator I have been in stage 5 for about…
Tag: <span>diet</span>
Question: My body likes to store fat on the lower part of my sides, around my hips. What are some good exercises to help shape that area so that my…
Question: There are a lot of articles online about soy milk increasing estrogen and decreasing facial hair is it true or does it not even affect the body at all?…
Question: I’m 15 and short, only 5’4 or 5’5. My friend told me that her cousin who is 14 took them and grew six inches over the summer, and also her…
Question: Hey, I am 15, and I was wondering is there any way to slow down puberty. A lot of my friends told me that vitamin B6 slows down facial hair but…
Question I’ve been drinking coffee around ages 6-9 years old because my grandma always made it and I always tried some, and now ever since she passed away I don’t…
Question: Do you know any way to lose weight? I am really overweight. I’m starting to get a few stretch marks on my stomach. I have a huge eating disorder…
Question: I have a random question I wanted to ask: Does tea or coffee stunt your growth if kids or teens drink it? Answer: Caffeine is an ingredient in tea,…
Question: Does sleep affect anything about your height? If so, what is the number of hours to get? Would exercise and eating healthy help? Answer: There are two aspects to…
Question: I want to know which supplements will help me to grow. I am 15 years old, but I have not grown at all this year — not an inch.…