Question: Dear Sir, I have been struggling with gay pornography for the past three years. I really do not know who to turn to as homosexuality is a highly controversial…
Tag: <span>homosexuality</span>
Question: I have two questions: First, is there a difference in the badness of gay over normal pornography? Second, is it wrong to masturbate without pornography in an attempt to…
Question: How do I stop ejaculating? I ejaculate every night. But when I do I don’t get aroused for women, I think of men. I’m not gay, and I don’t…
Question: Is watching gay porn any worse than normal straight porn? And does it mean I am gay if I like watching gay porn because I want to compare myself…
Question Hi Mr. Hamilton, I’m really glad to find your web site several days ago. I’m 19 years old Christian male, and I have some problems with homosexuality, pornography, and…
Question: I have been a Christian for less than a year now and have struggled for most of my new life. I went through a phase in which I attempted…
Question: Hi Jeffrey, sir, All of a sudden I am struggling with my HOCD again, but it’s weirder now. All of a sudden I get erections thinking of the word…
Question: Hello, I need your guidance I’ve been having this problem for two years. I always say I will stop it or control it but I can’t. My problem is…
Question: Good day to you. I’ve this question which would help make things easier. Is it true that man can get aroused through their anus? Is it normal that as…
Question: Hello, I have been reading the questions section of I want to thank you for being available to take time to answer personal questions from a biblical viewpoint. There…