Question: I have looked at the photos of muscular men, cool guys, and good looking hunks on the net. I did it without the slightest thought. I used to spend…
Tag: <span>lust</span>
Question: My girlfriend and I have been together for almost two years. We are both Christians, and we both believe sex before marriage is wrong. At about the four-month point,…
Question: Is it OK to touch my girlfriend’s breasts if it doesn’t lead to either of us thinking about sex? This is something that I really struggle with, but I want to…
Question: I know it is normal to become attracted to girls, but when I’m with my friends and we see an attractive girl they just glance at her and resume…
Question: Before I begin my question I will tell you about my sexual history, and how much I have changed. I fornicated once when I was about 14 years old,…
Question: Hi, I wanted to know the reason why having sexual fantasies is wrong. I’m not referring to the kind of sexual fantasies you have of yourself with someone else;…
Question: This is an uncomfortable question for me to ask. I believe you stated that masturbation is a sin when lustful thoughts are involved. If I am incorrect, I apologize.…
Question: I have a question that I would like to see if you can answer. I have been reading many of the questions you have answered, and it has raised…
Question: I’m a 16-year-old Christian male with a few questions, but before I continue, I just want to say that I am a great believer in God, and I hate to…
Question: I have not talked to you in a while, but here is my question: You once told me that it was not sinful that sexual thoughts popped inside my head,…