Question: I’m 15. When I see a man with a big butt, naked or clothed, I get aroused. I’m not gay. I did identify as bisexual not too long ago,…
Tag: <span>pornography</span>
Question: Good evening, I hope all is well. I’m nearly 20. I am an Orthodox Christian. I haven’t had intercourse — I’m saving that for marriage. However, I have had…
Question: Good day, First I want to thank you for the site. It has provided me with a lot of useful information. I would like to share with you my…
Question: Hello, I am a 13-year-old boy. I have a couple of questions for you. I have had a fast-increasing sex drive and have really wanted to masturbate for a…
Question: Hello sir, I’ve been using your website for a long time to answer all of the questions that I may have had, and I’m really stumped at this point…
Question: It’s been a few months since one of the darkest times in my life. I used to watch and masturbate to porn frequently. It began simply as sex between…
Question: To understand where I am coming from, I am a teenager. I was saved when I was 5 years old and have become stronger, I think, in the faith…
Question: What are some alternatives I can do instead of cutting myself? I have been fighting the urges to watch pornography and other horribly lustful sins, and I have been…
Question: Hello, I have a question. I’m a 14-year-old boy who needs help. I have a problem. Every day I watch bad things that lead me to pornography. When I…
Question: As a young 15-year-old, the common problems within my age demographic is present, being lust and temptations of the flesh. Most of my classmates and fellow male friends tend…