Question: Hi, I am 25 years of age. I’ve never had sex before, but my body had been calling for it to which I have refused to succumb because I’m…
Tag: <span>seminal vesicles</span>
Question: How can I get rid of filthy thoughts? I am always encountering sexual thoughts when I am praying or trying to study. I have not masturbated in a month…
Question: Hello. I would first like to express my gratitude for your web site. I discovered it when studying the origins of the Bible and researching online. You are a…
Question: Today since I woke up I been having lots and lots of erections all day, even when I don’t want an erection. Is this normal? And I get this…
Question: What parts of the body produce semen? Answer: Semen, the fluid that males ejaculate when they are sexually aroused and reach orgasm, is a composite of fluids from several…