When will the girth of my penis increase?

Last updated on June 20, 2023


I have just turned 16 years old, and the calculator estimates I am at the start of Tanner stage 4. The girth of my penis is below average for a man, but my length is above. Will this imbalance even out during this stage? And when can I expect to see results?



The girth of your penis increases during stage 4, which lasts about two years. Typically, the changes are noticeable by the middle of stage 4, so you will probably see your girth increase in the next year or so.

Please keep in mind that each person is different. Just because your length is above average, it doesn’t necessarily follow that your girth will also end up being above average.



Is it common to have around a 4.1 girth at the start of stage 4? I’d be happy with an average girth of 4.7. And is this a common problem that boys have before stage 4?  


Since the penis increases in length before increasing in girth, every boy goes through a period where their erect penis looks long and skinny. It is completely normal.

I don’t have any statistics on typical girths per age or stage of development.