Why is my ejaculate different from others?


Hello Minister,

My question is about ejaculation. I recently started ejaculating around 4-5 months ago, and I’m around stage 4.2 and 16 years old. I’m confused why my ejaculate isn’t as white as I notice other people have, and I don’t produce as much as others. Will this change, or does it depend on the person?

Thank you.


What are you using as your standard? If you are going by what is seen in pornographic videos, you need to realize that much of that is fake. Guys want to imagine they are bigger than they really are, and that they produce more semen than is reasonable.

The typical guy ejaculates about 1/4 teaspoon to a teaspoon of semen (1.25 to 5 milliliters). [“What is normal when it comes to semen volume?“, Healthy Male]. The amount will vary depending on how much semen is stored. If you have recently ejaculated, it will be less. It will be a bit more if it has been a few days. You don’t ejaculate everything you have stored in your seminal vesicles. Usually, a guy holds enough for two to four ejaculations.

The color of semen can vary, but it is typically off-white, cream, or light gray. It varies because the body is mixing several fluids just before ejaculation. What you eat and your current health can cause temporary shifts in color. If your semen is noticeably yellow for a period of time, it usually indicates an infection or another health issue. If it is pink or red, it can indicate high blood pressure or a sexually transmitted disease. Orange or brownish colors can indicate ingestion of heavy metals or an infection. [Tim Jewel, “Semen Color Chart: What Does Each Color Mean for Overall Sperm Health?“, Healthline, 27 July 2023].