Will I still be skinny and weak as an adult?

Last updated on April 20, 2022


Are you born with your body build? I’m 15. I’m pretty sure I’m an ectomorph as I’m weak, short, and skinny. I’m 5”3 and 82 pounds. I also have not hit puberty, which also doesn’t help me. Will I get stronger when I hit puberty or will I continue to be weak since ectomorphs are still weak as adults?


To not show any signs of maturing at the age of 15 would require a doctor to check you over to make sure there is nothing wrong.

Your strength is not a direct function of your body build. I’ve known many short skinny guys who can outwork bigger guys. Granted, they might not build big muscles and a well-trained muscular guy may be able to lift more, but it doesn’t mean the skinnier guys are weaker.

While your body type is set by genetics, we won’t know your particular type until you get to the latter part of stage 4. It is during stage 4 that you will be able to start building muscles. Until that time, you can get stronger but you won’t bulk up.


We went to the doctor a few months back. All she basically checked was my pubic area. She said I was in a phase called “adrenarche,” which she explained was a pre-puberty phase that precedes puberty by 2-3 years, which explains why I got pubic hair at 13 but I didn’t hit puberty. She said I most likely had a constitutional delay of growth or puberty. She also said I should hit puberty at 16 and if not come back. Also is it true that late bloomers end up tall and skinny?


“Adrenarche” means that you are in the early stages of changes. It refers to the time when the adrenal gland begins to send signals to start the changes. The normal sequence is the initial enlargement of the testicles and penis followed by the appearance of pubic hair. In “premature adrenarche” the pubic hair appears before the genitals begin to change. A “constitutional delay of growth” is just a fancy way of saying you are a late-bloomer.

Your statement that you have some pubic hair is a bit confusing, but I am assuming you are in mid to late-stage 2. However, being in late-stage 2 for two years is unusual.

I’m also assuming that by “puberty” you are actually referring to stage 3 of development when you grow more quickly. If you are near the border of stage 2 and stage 3, then the doctor’s statement makes sense. You should be hitting your growth spurt within a year.

There is a tendency for late-bloomers to be tall. This simply comes from the fact that you’ve spent more time in childhood, so your base height before your growth spurt is taller. Late-bloomers also tend to have narrower shoulders. This is because the widening of the shoulders is one of the last changes to take place. There is a limited time for bone growth to occur, so late-bloomers run out of time and the shoulders don’t get as wide.


The doctor explained that pubic hair is caused by adrenarche and not caused by “true puberty.” She said that pubic hair caused by adrenarche is transient and usually disappears right before puberty is about to start and gets replaced by real pubic hair caused by puberty, which I find interesting. I basically have not hit puberty yet. I look like a 12-year-old, which is miserable because I want to get a job as soon as I turn 16, but I just don’t feel good about getting a job when I look like I’m 11 or 12.


I haven’t been able to verify that pubic hair caused by premature adrenarche falls out, but I would not be surprised that is the case. Regardless, if you want to get a job, do so. It doesn’t matter if you look younger than you are. I’m sure it might be a bit harder in some cases to find a job, but it is worth the effort. The value you have is the work you can do, not your looks.


I really hope I hit puberty at 16 because I’m just tired of being a little kid. All my friends have hit puberty. I’m the only one that has not hit puberty in my whole school. Being a late bloomer is the worst. Everyone treats you like a little kid. Girls have no interest in you because you’re shorter and weaker than them.


While you can’t control your current height, you can exercise and build your strength.


Ok, thanks for the answers.