Will my voice start getting deeper soon?



Will my voice start getting deeper soon? I turn 13 next month and my puberty stage is 3.5 and I first ejaculated semen a month after my 11th birthday and got pubic hair at the same time. My voice cracks sometimes but it’s not getting deeper although it is different from a few years ago. It doesn’t sound like a “teenager” voice and I heard your voice changes right after the peak of your growth spurt. I used this peak height velocity calculator and it said I should expect my PHV in 2 months so would my voice change shortly after that?

Thank you.


Your voice typically deepens during stage 4. Peak Height Velocity marks the end of stage 3 in the original Tanner stages. The calculator on this site uses an alternative definition that places PHV more toward the middle of stage 3. The alternative definition keeps the stages more equal in length and easier to distinguish the stages. But either way, you won’t hear a deepening pitch in your voice for about 6 months to a year after your PHV.


Both of my brothers’ voices started to change at 13.5. Will my voice change around the same time as theirs?


Each person is different, even in the same family. However, there is a strong possibility that you will be carrying on this particular family tradition.