Last updated on March 8, 2023
Hi friend,
I will be very happy if I get an answer. I am 20 years old. I stopped masturbating 50 days ago. After a few days, I started to see semen leakage when having a bowel movement. I had a wet dream on day 15. The leakage stopped for a few days. Now I don’t get any more wet dreams and the semen leakage continues every day.
My questions are:
- Is the semen leakage due to an enlarged prostate? How do I stop it because it is annoying?
- How do I have wet dreams again? I tried many ways but I still don’t achieve it. I feel better relief with wet dreams. It would not bother me to have a wet dream every night.
- I haven’t had an erotic dream for a very long time. Perhaps this is the problem behind not having wet dreams. How do I have an erotic dream?
Thank you very much.

What you are seeing is not due to your prostate. Semen is produced in the seminal vesicles, which are two small glands underneath your bladder and near your rectum. Because you are choosing not to masturbate, your seminal vesicles are very full of semen. When you push hard to have a bowel movement, that puts pressure on the seminal vesicles and pushes semen out of them like toothpaste from a tube. The semen then flows into the ejaculatory duct and down into the urethra where urine pushes it out.
Since the amount that is being pushed out is greater than or equal to the amount being produced by the seminal vesicles, you’ve reached a balance. It is when the seminal vesicles get too full that a wet dream is triggered to cause you to ejaculate some of the excess semen while you sleep.
The rate at which a man produces semen varies from week to week. Right now, your rate is slow. Sometime in the near future, it will speed back up and you’ll experience wet dreams again. Exercise can cause a temporary rise in testosterone levels, which can speed up semen production.
Trying to force yourself to have erotic dreams will lead you into the dangerous territory of lust. If you don’t want to masturbate, then you’ll just have to accept that you will be feeling the need to ejaculate most of the time and that you’ll be dripping semen after having a bowel movement.