Is there a chance that I’m a late bloomer?


I got my Tanner Scale result as stage 4 at 17 years old. I am 5’5 and haven’t grown in 3 years. My dad is 5’11, my mom is 5’2, and my brother is 6’4. İs there a chance l might be a late bloomer?


At a minimum, I would expect you to reach 5’6 inches by the time you stop growing. That would be the minimum height for boys in your family. Your brother is at the maximum height for boys in your family.

“Late bloomers” refer to guys who don’t show external signs of developing before age 14. If you are just now starting stage 4 at the age of 17, then you are most likely a late bloomer.

If you are at the start of stage 4, you can expect to grow another 1 to 3 inches during the two years you are in stage 4.