Question: Hi, Sorry. I don’t know if this is a question or more of an emotional vent. I’m 14 years old, and I think I’m gay. I want to have…
Tag: <span>homosexuality</span>
Question: I have a small question regarding Leviticus 20:13, which came up during a discussion with a friend. By “as one does with a woman,” what explicit sexual acts are…
Question: Hi minister, This is, by far, my biggest issue. Recently, I decided to cut my sister out of my life. I know—it sounds harsh. For the last few months,…
Question: Hello, How do I get sexual thoughts out of my head, especially homosexual ones? It feels like when I quit masturbation for three days, my lust for men and…
Question: Hello Minister, I am very new to this site and just so happened to stumble across it while searching for a Tanner stage quiz. First, I want to thank…
Question: Hello, I am a 19-year-old boy and I’m having a sexual identity crisis. I have strong sexual desires for men but not as strong for women. I often fantasize…
Question: I am a 12-year-old boy. I masturbate but the last time I masturbated with my best friend at school. He said I am going to hell and the Bible…
Question: I’m 15. When I see a man with a big butt, naked or clothed, I get aroused. I’m not gay. I did identify as bisexual not too long ago,…
Question: Hello sir, I’ve been using your website for a long time to answer all of the questions that I may have had, and I’m really stumped at this point…
Question: Mr. Hamilton, I finally have the courage to talk to someone about something I have been struggling with probably since I first started puberty. I struggle with being aroused…