Question: I want to ask you a question, I am gay so what should I do? I’ve tried my level best to avoid boys, but whenever I see a hot…
Tag: <span>homosexuality</span>
Question: There’s this kid in my class. He’s been telling me for the past year that he loves me and stuff, but I thought he was joking. Now I think…
Question: I have some awkward questions. The Tanner Stage Calculator says I’m in stage three but I haven’t really hit my growth spurt, at least I don’t think I have. I’m 5’3″…
Question: Is it normal for me to look at my friends’ bodies? Especially if they are more developed than me. Does this mean I am gay? Answer It means you’re…
Question: Good day. What an excellent web site. It is very good. Wish I had had it when I was younger. My life would have been way easier. Dad told…
Question: Besides anal sex, are there any other sinful sexual acts in a marriage? If so, what are they? Answer: The Bible uses or refers to numerous sexual acts. Any sexual…
Question: Is it OK when sex feels naughty? I mean even if you are married, is it OK to fantasize about your wife and have strong desires for each other?…
Question See, I know I’m not gay because I’m not emotionally attracted to guys at all. It’s just that I dropped my sex life off because I realized that I…
Question Are you still a virgin if you have anal sex? I am a 14-year-old teenager (and still a virgin). A boy I know told me that he had anal…
Question Why do I have so many erections? It’s embarrassing, especially when it happens in front of other guys. I know it is supposed to be practicing, but does it…