Question: The last year has been an emotional roller coaster for me. I really began to believe that I was suffering from homosexual attraction last summer. Anytime I saw a…
Tag: <span>homosexuality</span>
Question I was wondering what it means to be attracted sexually to men and if that’s sinful or not. I also read some questions on your web site that seem…
Question: Hello, If someone is reading this, please do not hate me. I am already rejected by society, and I am doomed. I am a homosexual guy. It all started…
Question: Greetings, I’m 13 years old. I am writing this email today to ask a few questions about puberty and Christianity. First off, all I’d like to express a huge appreciation for…
Question: Hello! I have several problems. I showered with my cousin who is 13 and I am 14. We had great fun showering together and washed each other’s private areas…
Question: Hello, I am a 22-year-old male. I read a discourse on this site about a young guy who had trouble with gay porn and sexual fantasies about men’s large penises.…
Question: Is it normal through adolescence to be sexually attracted to men? Answer: It is a common and perfectly normal trait that children have. Most children find people they want…
Question: Can bisexuals go to heaven in a certain manner? My friend who is 15 is a bisexual. He said that for years he struggled with sexuality and couldn’t change.…
Question: Hello, For about three years now I’ve been struggling a lot with many different things from pornography to not knowing my sexual desires (whether or not if I’m gay,…
Question: This is really hard for me to speak about. I never really told anyone and it’s 3:30 am. I’m just listening to worship music trying to feel alive, but…