Question: Hi there! I have a girlfriend. We are both 14 years of age and are both Christians. We have never touched each other in sexual ways. We know that…
Tag: <span>lust</span>
Question: Are arousal and unintentional pleasure a sin? I was watching a film and became tempted. I was taken by surprise, was aroused, and felt a sort of sexual pleasure,…
Question: I had a question regarding nudity. I sometimes look at nude women. The nudity is not from pornography. I am not lusting after them, just simply enjoying the view.…
Question: I am a 19-year-old guy who has grown up in the Southern Baptist Church all my life. My youth leaders and close friends in the church have always held…
Question: Hello, My girlfriend and I had sex three times. After the first time, I felt guilty, but then before the second time, I felt like God told me not…
Question: Lately, I’ve been struggling with fantasy thoughts and keeping myself at bay in terms of lusting. I usually get “turned on” whenever I read an article, that suggests anything…
Question: Hello, I have been trying to stop masturbating for nearly a year now and have stopped twice for 30 days. I am extremely overwhelmed by reading the questions about…
Question: I have a question. I’m an 18-year-old teenage boy. I’m a Christian and was baptized last year. I’m just wondering: Is seeing my girlfriend naked without having the thought…
Question: Hi, I need some help. I am a Christian, and I am having trouble with sexual sin. I have been struggling with masturbation, lustful thoughts, and looking at women…
Question: You are not gay or homosexual as long as you do not have any physical contact or make love with them, right? I’m a boy, 20 years old. I…