Question: Is it normal to masturbate? Answer: Attempts to study the rate at which masturbation occurs in males is difficult because it is a private matter which everyone does not…
Tag: <span>masturbation</span>
Question: I found your site and I had a question. Since the Lord has been dealing with me about masturbation, I have stopped completely. But since I have stopped, my…
Question: Can a man ejaculate without having sex? Answer: Most boys experience ejaculations without sex. Nocturnal emissions are the body’s way of getting rid of excess semen by ejaculations while…
Question: I am 17 years old now. I have a very prominent adam’s apple. I feel that masturbating more will make a person’s adam’s apple come out. Is that right?…
Question: Does masturbating affect the pitch of your voice? Answer: When two events happen at nearly the same time, people will commonly conclude that one thing caused the other to…
Question: I want to discuss whether masturbation has any side effects. If it does please write its details. I want to join a gym to be a body builder, so…
Question: Hi! I’m 15 and I still have a baby dick. I am also Asian. I weigh 160 lbs. I don’t know if that’s normal or not. I have started…
Question: Ok, I have this question: Boys try to be cool saying in school that they masturbate. They are all 13 years of age. When you masturbate does this affect…
Question: Does masturbation before the penis reaches its full size slow down its growth? Answer: No, for the same reason that walking doesn’t slow down the growth of your legs.…
Question: My son, who just turned 11, has small amounts of pubic hair. He takes long showers. Is he able to masturbate? Does he ejaculate? Answer: Any person can masturbate…