Question: I have recently been itching at the tip of my penis. This is the second time I have noticed the unpleasant feeling. I am not circumcised and I am…
Tag: <span>penis</span>
Question: Is touching your penis a sin? Answer” “And those members of the body which we think to be less honorable, on these we bestow greater honor; and our unpresentable…
Question Can a man’s penis enter a woman’s uterus? Answer Though a man’s penis may be long enough when erect to reach a woman’s uterus, it cannot enter the uterus.…
Question: Like some others, I have little tiny white bumps under and on the bottom of my shaft. It stops about an inch or two before the head. It has…
Question: My penis is getting dry and itchy. Do you have some idea why this would happen? Answer The only accurate answer would be one given by a doctor after…
Question: I have red blotches on my penis and small spots near “the string,” which I tore a couple of years ago. What do you think it could be? Answer:…
Question: I am 18 years old and I’ve been worried about a rash that has been getting worse on the side of my penis. I’ve been really paranoid about it!…
Question Can you get jock itch on the shaft of your penis? Answer What is commonly called jock itch is a fungus that is growing on the skin. The fungus…
Question Hi! I am 19 years old and am Asian. This is regarding my penis size. It is less than 2 inches when flaccid and a little above 3 when…
Question: My foreskin is tight and when I urinate the end balloons out. Is there something wrong with my penis? Answer: There isn’t anything wrong. It just means your foreskin…