Question: Hi, I’m going to be 16 soon. I’m currently the youngest junior at my school, and I always have been younger than all of my classmates since I started…
Tag: <span>development</span>
Question: Hello! Recently, I’ve been studying body development during puberty and came across the Tanner scale test on this website. I found it interesting and took it, but I encountered…
Question: Greetings sir, I want to ask you how much you think I can grow in height. I’m currently 15 and 5’10. My growth spurt started in the summer of…
Question: I’m nearly 14 years old. My penis hasn’t seemed to grow at all. My pubes have grown slightly. My nipples recently have become sensitive and tender. My only dark-pigmented…
Question: Hello, I recently turned 15. I’m 5’7. I did the Tanner Stage Test and I got Tanner Stage 3.6-3.8. When do you think I will reach stage 4? How…
Question: Hi, I have a question. I am 16. The calculator says that I’m in Tanner Stage 4. How many inches of growth can a person have during Tanner Stage…
Question: When do sideburns and chin hair start to become noticeable? Do they become noticeable around the middle of stage 4 or toward the end of stage 4? I know…
Question: What is a surefire sign that I’ve begun stage 4? Answer: There really isn’t a clear answer to this question. Stage 4 is, by definition, the period when your…
Question: I’m 15, turning 16 within a few months. I hit puberty around late 13 – early 14. Lately, I’ve been thinking about girls a ton. Like an absolute ton,…
Question: Hello Minister, I am a 16-year-old male who is at stage 3.7, according to your calculator. I am quite late to puberty, having only noticed terminal pubic hair last…