Question: Hi, I am 17 and I am a little worried about my penis size. It’s 6.4 inches erect, but it has not gotten wider. I have pubic hair, a…
Tag: <span>development</span>
Question: Hello sir, I have a question. Since I had my first ejaculation at 12-13, when did I start puberty? Answer: The technical definition for puberty is the time when…
Question: Hi! I’m 14 years old. I’m 5’11. I began puberty at around age 9 and your calculator says I’m at Tanner Stage 4.3. I’m the tallest in my class…
Question: I wonder how much growth I have left. I am 184 cm (6 ft 0.5) and an 18-year-old male. Physically, my shoulders are relatively broad. My pubic hair is…
Question: Is stage 2 mostly just hidden changes like the testicles increasing and pubic hair or will I also change from the outside? Answer: Technically, pubic hair is an external…
Question: I wear size 9 in shoes. Isn’t this a small size? Why haven’t my feet really grown? When do feet stop growing? Answer: Foot sizes vary between men and…
Question: I’m very confused about what Tanner Stage I am in because the calculator puts me at 3.7 when it says I’m having rapid growth but on my height chart…
Question: You said that my first ejaculation is not too far away in the future. Is your first ejaculation a sign of stage 4 or could it happen in stage…
Question: Do boys get fat and gain weight in stage 2? I’ve heard that boys start to get plump and chubby right before a growth spurt that slims them down.…
Question: I’m 15 and 5’11. From age 12 to 15 I have only grown around 4 inches — from 5’7 to 5’11. My father is 5’11 and my mother is…