Question: Good day sir, I was troubled yesterday and came across your web site. This is the issue: I have been lusting for a girl for a very long time…
Tag: <span>lust</span>
Question: I am 24 years old. When I was 19, I had a girlfriend. We stayed together for a very long time. I met her when I was in sixth…
Question: Hi Minister, I know you answer questions based on growing up, mine is kind of related. I don’t know anyone personally to ask this question, so if you could…
Question: I’m worried that I’m bisexual because I get boners at girls and all the normal things, but I also get boners at the thought of two gay guys talking…
Question: I’m really confused about some issues. I know masturbation and viewing pornography is a sin, but is seeing a girl in a bikini a sin? Also, my classmates have…
Question: Hey, I’m 18 years old. I have lived in sin for a very long time, but I just started to seek Jesus again. I have a problem: I always…
Question: Hi, I’m a 14-year-old male. I’ve been having problems with masturbation. I know that masturbation itself isn’t a sin, but my main problem is my thoughts. I can’t masturbate…
Question: I am greatly in need of help. I’m having a serious problem of looking at females. I’m not mentally removing clothing or lusting after them, but I still feel…
Question: I am a 12-year-old boy who really likes a girl, and she likes me. I think we could end up soulmates and then get married. We live pretty near each other…
Question: I’m 15 years old. I’m a Catholic Christian. I love Jesus. He helped me through so much in my life! I always try my best to trust in him…