Question: Hello there I really wanted to thank you and say that I appreciate the work that you do for these people to understand the human body and answer their…
Year: <span>2023</span>
Question: Did I hit my growth spurt? My Tanner score is 3.5. I have 5 strands of armpit hair on my right arm. My arm hair started growing 1 month…
Question: I am a 12-year-old boy. I masturbate but the last time I masturbated with my best friend at school. He said I am going to hell and the Bible…
Question: When I was 10 years old I ejaculated semen. I’m about to be 13 and I haven’t had an ejaculation since that first time. Is that normal? I got…
Question: Hello, I am 25 years old. I recently noticed that I have a red small pimple on my penis. I go to the gym every day and sometimes do…
Question: Hello there, I hope you are doing well. I have a question that keeps bothering me as I have started becoming increasingly conscious about my height and appearance. I did…
Question: Hello, My son started to show downy pubic hair (about 5-10 strands and blonde) right after he turned 12. At 13.3 yrs old his genitals swelled, followed by his penis a few months…
Question: Hey I have an appetite where I am constantly hungry and it bothers me. I am a teenager and I am very athletic but the problem is that since…
Question: What stage of Tanner am I at? I have some facial hair, underarm hair, and hair behind the thighs. Answer: The reason the Tanner Stage Calculator exists is to…
Question: Hello, I am sorry to bother you but I have noticed some strange things happening with my growth and I have a few questions. I am 16 years old…