Question: Hello, I turned 17 a month ago. Based on the Tanner Stage test, I’m 3.9/4.0 so I’m either about to enter Tanner 4 or just entered it. I am…
Tag: <span>development</span>
Question: Hello, I am an 18-year-old male. My voice started cracking sometime between 12.5 -13 years old. I believe I started growing pubic hair around the same timeframe. Wet dreams…
Question: G’day, I turn 12 in 3 months. Here’s some info about me: My questions are: Answer: Please keep in mind that I’m basing my answers on what you’ve told…
Question: Hello, I’m 14. I’m 5’5 and my tanner stage is 3.6. My pubic hair is curly terminal hairs on the base of my penis and a little above my…
Question: Hello. I am 13 years old. I have not started puberty. I have no body hair, and my genitals are small. When I did the Tanner Stage calculator, I…
Question: Im not sure if I have entered stage 4 or if my growth spurt paused but here are my answers for the calculator. I got a 3.8 on the…
Question: Hello sir, I have a question to ask about, and some information to add about my pubertal development, and general development regarding the transformation from a teenager to a…
Question: Hi there, Since about January, my voice has been cracking a lot, but the cracks are my voice going all deep and croaky. I have to speak quietly to…
Question: Hello, I’ve recently had a bone age test and it turned out that I am delayed by 3 years. My bone age is 13 years and 8 months while…
Question: I have stage 4 pubic hair but my testicles are like 10-11 ml and I got a score of 3.6. My growth hasn’t slowed. I’m confused. Answer: Growth is…