Question: Will my hormones eventually settle down? Sometimes I feel as if I’m going crazy! Even when I’m not aroused, I still feel an urge to masturbate. Whenever something pops…
Tag: <span>hormones</span>
Question: Should parents get onto teens when they are depressed? My dad got mad at me because I just wanted to go to my room. He thought I was acting…
Question: Why do I find myself getting upset over the littlest thing (math problems, getting stuff wrong, etc.)? I know about the moods swings associated with puberty, but how long…
Question: Age=4GrowthSpurt=1Growth=2Proportions=3.5Weight=2Voice=5.5ArmPit=3.5PubicHair=5.5Chest=4.5FacicalHair=4.3Acne=4.8Scrotum=4.2Penis=3.5Testicle=5.5Ejaculation=3.8result=4.4 How much will I increase in height? And when? I will be 16 soon. Answer: A couple of answers puzzle me, but assuming everything is accurately answered, you…
Question: Hey! I just turned 17 years old and I am 5 ft 5 in which is short. My mum is 5 ft and my dad is 5 ft 9…
Question: I have been diagnosed as suffering from eunuchoidism. What is it and can it be treated? Answer: Generally a doctor who makes such a diagnosis would also be discussing…
Question: Hi! I am 16 years old. I would just like to ask you a question about a problem with my thyroid. When I was 15 and a half, I…
Question: Is it possible to only have a growth deficiency in the penis area, more specifically the testes and penis? I’m 15 now and I’m going through puberty very well…
Question I am 16 and I was just wondering if there was anything I could do to increase muscle growth other than just generally lifting weights. I know it strays…
Question: Do you get a growth spurt at the same or similar time with your dad? I asked many of my friends and they said they all had a growth…