Question: Hello sir, I have a question. Since I had my first ejaculation at 12-13, when did I start puberty? Answer: The technical definition for puberty is the time when…
Tag: <span>Tanner stages</span>
Question: Hello, I have a question about muscle building. First of all, I am an ectomorph. I am 5’7 and have very narrow bones compared to the other 9th graders…
Question: So how tall is the average guy at the start of stage 4? Answer: The average adult male is 5’9″ (or 177 cm). Using the CDC growth chart, moving…
Question: Hello, I was wondering about what are the other reliable signs of tanner 5 besides pubic hair. Just a few months ago there was a sex education event where…
Question: I’m just wondering: Do boys grow at stage 5? Answer: Stage 5 is defined as the time when growth in height stops. Development still continues after you reach stage…
Question: Is it only in stage 4 that you start to get stronger? Or do you also get stronger on stage 3 and stage 2? Answer: You can get stronger…
Question: Hello, I want to know if I will have a growth spurt at this rate or not. I am currently at Tanner stage 4.2 at the age of 18.…
Question: Is stage 2 mostly just hidden changes like the testicles increasing and pubic hair or will I also change from the outside? Answer: Technically, pubic hair is an external…
Question: Hello, I am having my annual physical soon. I’m really anxious because I’m 11 and I think it’s the puberty talk. I also think I started puberty a little…
Question: I’m very confused about what Tanner Stage I am in because the calculator puts me at 3.7 when it says I’m having rapid growth but on my height chart…